Wednesday, September 9, 2009

it's the little things

I've had several interesting conversations these days with several interesting people. Many of which have had something to do with authenticity and our natural response to struggles. Now, if you have been in the Christian world for a week or if you have ever raised your eyebrow at a televangelist or self-help book clothed in a Christian cover, you know the two most obnoxious phrases around. "Let go and let God" and "If God will put you to it, He will put you through it." I am not suggesting these phrases are flat out lies but I am posing an opposition to them.

Beef number 1) These bumper sticker phrases imply that as soon as you surrender said struggle to the Lord everything will be easier and it will be solved like a sitcom(in 30 min or less with minimal long-term damage). Or if it isn't easier and/or solved right away then something is wrong with you. False. It is true that we are called to surrender all and that God only puts you through things he knows you can handle. However, what I can handle on an earthly realm is much much less than if I am walking with God and ps- God knows that. He knows that in struggles I will reach the end of myself very quickly and have no choice but to rest on Him and I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he desires. I'm not saying God purposely causes us to go through things so we suffer on our own, but I am saying if we are resting on God, there is nothing we can't bear because we aren't called to bear one thing. If I cast all my burdens on Him because he cares for me, then the load I can carry just increased in volume because God can carry the weight of the world(plus some).

Beef number 2) If a person says one of these phrases to you, chances are the comment you made to warrant such a response was something along the lines of "I'm struggling." Now, how often do you hear an authentic answer such as that when you ask how people they are doing? Either you asked the question in such a way that the answerer knew you meant it or the answerer just took huge leap we don't always see in everyday conversation and that is...authenticity. These phrases are not what people need to hear when they are struggling. Why? Because now they feel isolated. It sounds like such a simple fix and pain free and positive. Sometimes we come out of struggles much stronger and sometimes we come out just the same with maybe a few scars...and that's okay. I think rather than offering a quick fix answer because we don't know what else to say, we respond with authenticity. Respond how you would hope someone would respond to you even if it doesn't seem like it helps. It just helps to see a genuine interaction more than perfect advice.

I hope and pray that as a community of believers we challenge ourselves to be authentic at all times and with all people. I think people would feel like they had life-giving relationships if we learned the art of authenticity, especially in the midst of struggles.

P.S. I don't intend this to be an all out rant but more of a means of processing.


  1. I love you and am so glad you're here so you have an outlet for your thoughts. You are wise beyond your years by dear friend!

  2. Check out chapter 3 of John Piper's "Let the Nations be Glad". It's all about why God allows suffering in a Christian's life. There are no pat anwsers there.
