Sunday, June 27, 2010

But I want it...

Psalm 23 is an ever present theme this summer it seems...the newest thought on it rests in line one: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want."

When I think of being "in want" I think of material possessions or a state of being. I want a new pair of toms or to always have clear direction. My summer is full of embracing a new phase. This is brand new territory each day and it's easy to be "in want" over a phase in life. I want to be doing missions or married or to see where my future is headed...I am "in want" over things that make me "enough." None of those are bad fact they are enjoyable things, but they aren't everything. The pastor of my church asked the congregation last Sunday to fill in the blank, "The thing about __________ is, although it is a wonderful thing, if I am not enough without it, I will never be enough with it." I wonder if that blank could be a season or phase or point in life rather than just a possession or person.

So in order to be free from "want" I must first identify what is holding me. I pray you would join me in this pursuit to live in the freedom that was bought for us and the beautiful life that is painted in Psalm 23.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Sometimes it rains. Sometimes I don't wear shoes. Sometimes coffee makes the whole day better. Sometimes laughing is all that we need. Sometimes we give things up because the return is better. Sometimes we dig our heals in.

I read 1 Samuel 15 the other day...all about Samuel and Saul...moral: Saul is arrogant and Samuel is diligently obedient. Both believe with everything they are making a sacrifice-a sacrifice for God. It's funny the way we are willing to sacrifice if we know there is a bigger and better reward. But is that really sacrifice? Sure, we are giving something up aka sacrificing something but is it true and total sacrifice if we are looking for reward? Wouldn't that just be waiting?

I wonder if sacrifice isn't more about the heart and less about the eventual gain. Motivation that comes out of a genuine desire to please God whether rewarded or not rather than a motivation to see something better in place of what we are sacrificing.
(DISCLAIMER: I fully believe God gives good gifts and when we are in seasons of waiting or when no is the answer there is a better plan in store always because God is a good God. I am talking about the condition of our hearts ...)

I'll speak for myself now: I had plans this summer. I had plans for the upcoming year. My plan did anything but work out. And what my plan was included sacrifice. Sacrifice of time with friends, family, relaxation, safety, comfort, was an exciting plan with lots of adventure and "sacrifice." This plan I'm living now...the plan I was not excited about but the plan I was meant for is sacrifice of my immediate desires. I struggle with it most days because I want what I want but I'm living what God wants and learning that, as my devotional said today, sometimes obedience is the sacrifice.

So then this begs the question: is it obedience without sacrifice? Is sacrificial obedience my goal if all I'm looking for is something to replace what I gave up? Am I the core of all?

*Enjoying the adventure of this summer*