A story is simply about a character who wants something and has to overcome conflict to find it. We love good stories. Stories about Africa, teaching english in China, building water wells in Peru and feeding the homeless. Why? Because we want that. Sometimes we think the more we hear stories about such the easier it will be for us to do so as well. Or we think...well at least someone is doing something...I can just stay here and do my job and be normal. I won't have to give anything up. I submit that if we are not willing to give something up or overcome conflict, we don't actually WANT it. We want what it will do for us, for our reputation or legacy or advancement. Here is my story about someone who wants something...not what it can do for her. Hopefully one day my story will fit in this category too. and yours too.
Tara lived in the nicest part a Houma, LA (just outside New Orleans). She was working as a youth leader at her church. One Thanksgiving she and members of her church went across the bridge to the roughest part of Houma and it's surrounding area to feed all the homeless, drug lords, gang members, and just struggling. Afterward everyone was finished they thought, "wow God must really be proud of us." and instead Tara heard God saying "So what now?, Who will continue to take care of them?" So....Hope Extreme was born(out of a renovated crack house). A center working to change the lives of east Houma's urban youth by sharing a radical faith, tutoring, activities and love for a broken place. It grows each year. I spent a summer there and it was the most incredible place I've been in. It's a good story.
P.S. Your story doesn't have to have anything to do with homeless, Africa or water wells to be good...it needs to involve you, passion and conflict. And eventually the outcome will be victory and a really good story.
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