Saturday, May 15, 2010


Pause. Take a deep breath. Listen.

As Christians we are called to rest. Not to be lazy. Not to excuse inactivity. But to replenish. To make loving, forgiving, speaking truth and worshiping even possible. It's part of abiding in Him. I haven't truly rested-not as a break for part of a day but as a life style in...wait...have I ever?
Psalm 23 (He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me along quiet waters...) is admired and looks excellent on a bathroom stitching but dare I say, is not lived day to day. My goal this summer: rest. That means time with Him, seeking His heart, learning more of His word, loving His people and pursuing them. It means sitting with my fears, insecurities and hopes then laying them before Him. It means asking God to break me, mess with my heart, renew my mind, transform my actions and lead me out. It doesn't sound like rest, but if I am truly in the presence of my Creator, it is.

Here is what I long for:
To rest my head on His chest and feel the tension in my body release
To look at Him in awestruck wonder
To tell Him all about my day-to thank Him, share my heart, release everything and listen
To rejoice and celebrate in His goodness and faithfulness
For Him to show me how to love
For Him to break me for people
To see hearts and passions focused on Him
To be a part of His story